Private Phone
Check out
and get a free phone number you can use to give to people
when you don't want to be bothered taking their calls!
I know that covers a lot of people in my life!
This free service allows people to leave voicemail messages,
and it will notify you by email.
Then you can click the email and listen to the message.
I just hate ringing phones, don't you?
Now I can deal with the phone if/when I want to,
and never when they want to.
Check it out!
Leave me a message: 858-356-5432

New Fireplace at the Fun House!

Here's a photo of the new fireplace.
With stockings hung by the chimney with care.
For three years I lived here without a fireplace,
all the while scheming and planning the perfect setup.
When I finally did the deed, and installed the fireplace,
I was amazed that I had no plans for what would go on the mantle!
That didn't last long, however, as you can see.
What's on your mantle?

Super Socks!
Yesterday, a good friend, Grace,
gave me a pair of SmartWool socks.
Big deal, you say?
You gotta slip some of these babies on your feet.
I'm not a sock freak.
When it comes to socks,
I've always been a pragmatist.
I buy them by the dozen pair.
All the same color and style.
That way, there is a lot less thinking
in the morning, when thinking is more difficult,
and the last thing you want to use brain cells on
is socks: which ones, which color, do they match, etc.
Keeping everything the same lets me invest my
brain cells on more important things,
like saving the world, ending war, poverty, hunger, etc.
While I have had only marginal success
with saving the world, etc,
my challenges with socks are at a minimum.
And now these SmartWool critters show up and
all of a sudden socks take on new meaning!
Socks are our interface with the real world.
We have more nerve endings in our feet than
any other place in our bodies.
(I think I heard that someplace)
What I do know is that these socks put a
smile on my face, and joy in my heart.
Get 'em. You heard it here first.