Travel Map
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For more details on my world travels so far,
check out my Travel page.

Neighbor Lady
The sign
was bordered in black.
It spoke of a memorial service
for a departed soul
whose name seemed familiar.
Then, I remembered the events a few days back,
the firetruck and emergency vehicles,
but I hadn't yet learned of the reason.
Now, the sign, and the name...
It's an Irish name,
and a face came into my mind,
a woman of considerable age,
and her face is smiling sweetly.
She worked at a shop in town.
We talked just a few times,
a few years ago,
but I had not seen her in a while.
Maybe she had been sick.
It's sad to think of it.
Should I go to the memorial service?
What would other people remember about her?
I can only remember her smile.
Is that reason enough,
or is that the only reason,
to attend her memorial?
What can I do,
in her honor,
to improve the world she left behind,
and to carry on with her spirit?
It can only be
to smile.
What a great legacy!
neighbor lady.

Flying North

The afternoon light was ripening,
seaside clouds grew more dense,
the setting sun cast long shadows,
the sea was at peace...
This is what my Nikon captured.
Photo completely untouched by any effects.
All natural.
With no hard edges,
the image heightens the sense of perfect peace.
Although it is a flight of 3 pelicans,
there is a sense that the leader is a solitary bird.

Full Moon Spring Cleaning
The Full Moon of the last few days
has coincided with strong activity
in the areas of
Simplifying, Reducing, Organizing, Cleansing,
Focusing, Improving, Strengthening,
Building, Inventing, Creating, and Giving.
It's all Spring Cleaning:
Clearing the mind and space
for renewed dedication to goals.
Clearing space for increased bandwidth
to focus on goals.