Kendra's Kickass Cookies

It's Thanksgiving, and a New Moon all on the same day. What more could you ask? How about the world's best cookies?
Many years ago, my daugter Kendra made me a batch of cookies that were the best I have ever had, and that's saying something for a cookie connoisseur like me. And so it has become a tradition on my every birthday, Fathers' Day, and Christmas that she whips up a fresh batch for me. I live for these days!
However, I have never been one to leave well enough, or even Great, alone. I have been secretly making continuous improvements to her recipe and after exhaustive experimentation and testing (it's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it), I am ready to announce to the world that I have concoted the PERFECT cookie.
As my way of giving thanks, on this Thanksgiving Day, I am sharing some of these wonderful little bits of heaven with some special friends, and for the rest of you, I give you the recipe. You know what they say, give a man a cookie, and you feed him for a day, but give a man a cookie recipe, and you feed him for life. Now go and do this in remembrance of me...